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{ New Website - Grimsby, Lincolnshire Photographer }

So, it's been a hectic few weeks here.

kids going back to school, Weddings, Portrait Sessions, our youngest son ending up in theatre after a fall (He's fine now though, thankfully!), Maybe not the best time to embark on a massive new project.

But, we felt that the website was in dire need of an overhaul.

So, we started to piece together what we wanted the new website to do:
  • New look
  • New interface
  • Better content
  • Easier navigation
  • More cross browser compatibility
So, we started work.

First of all, there was the issue of mobile, what to do with them. We have noticed by looking at the logs on our site, that a massive 79% of all traffic is from mobiles, so the new site had to be mobile friendly. But, without pushing out the users of conventional PC's. 

So, we came up with a solution of building a site specific for mobile browsers, this given them the same content as the desktop version of the site, but formatted for the smaller screen.

This also meant developing a mobile solution for the On-Line gallery that we use. In the past, our galleries have been mobile compatible, but now they're built for mobile devices, so they work much better, and overall they're easier to use.

So, when is the new site going live?

It was supposed to launch yesterday but it clashed with the release of Apple's iOS 6, and there were a few incompatibility issues with it, so it's been held back.

The good news, is that these issues have now been resolved, and the launch of the website will happen in the next few days.

{ Back To School Photo Sessions - Grimsby School Photography }

Okay, so the summer holidays are about over, and the kids (and the parents) are looking forward to schools re-opening.

New uniforms, New shiny shoes..Love it!

The newness and crispness of everything, the joy and excitement in the child for returning, the anticipation of starting a new school, or moving up a year.

The parents, coming to grips with a younger child starting out on their first day at school, or an older child's first day of their last year.

It all goes so fast. These are the moments that we capture in a school portrait.

Although we are the photographer for a some of the local schools, we would like to give others the opportunity to have their child's school photo taken.

How about getting your child's school photo taken, on their first day back?

We'd like to offer you the chance.

Now, there are two ways that you can do this:

1. You can come to us, bringing your child on their way to, or from school
2. If you and a few friends (minimum of five) want to get together, and have the kids photos done in your own home, then we can bring our mobile studio to you.

The second option may be easier if you have kids of different ages, and they're at different schools, then you can arrange to have them all at home at the same time, and get a Family, School Portrait.

We can offer a single 10"x8" Print (Considered large by many school photo companies) for just £8!

So, if you came to us, then you could get a school portrait of your child for just £8. Of course, we will also offer photo packages, so you can have some extra images to send to relatives. (Let's face it, Grandma loves a photo!).

If you want to take us up on this, then simply get in touch, and we can arrange a slot in the morning or afternoon for you, or we can arrange to visit you at home.

You can contact us either through our website at
On our facebook page at