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{ Wow, How Time Flies! }


So it's been a very long while since I last posted on here, in fact I hadn't realized just how long it had been!

So, a lot has happened in the last few months...Okay, so the last update here was September last year. I know, I'm sorry, I've been slacking!

So, Lets update on just what has been happening..

Well, there has been lots of family sessions, a few weddings, the Christmas shutdown, Birthday Parties, Lots has happened, and it's been fun. 

But, I'm not going to recap every session that we've covered over the last few months, but I just have to share some photos that I managed to take of our own kids. It's not often that I get the chance to photograph them, so when I can, it's good to update the family photos.

Starting with, a session that we did just after Christmas of our youngest son, Caiden.

Seeing as this was his first birthday, we marked it with one of my favorite types of photo sessions; "The Cake Smash"

These are a great memory and keepsake of their first birthday. Makes a bit of a mess, but that's easily cleaned up thanks to the wipe clean white vinyl sheet that we use!

Now, they all start off in pretty much the same way, a nice clean child and a complete cake!

But, soon the destruction starts, and they end up in a mess.

I love these sessions. The photos that we get from them are just great!

Now, some are a little more careful than others, and don't make too much mess to start with, but after a while...well...

It doesn't take too long to clean up, like I say, there is a white vinyl sheet that we use to catch most of the mess, and they tend to eat the rest of the cake!

And, of course there are more than just him, so recently we got the chance to update the family photo's of our own kids. Now, this doesn't happen that often, so when the chance to get them all together, in the same place and at the same time, then we have to take it!

So, After much convincing of them (okay, so we may of had to bribe the eldest...a little...) we got them all together and had some fun taking there photos. Even managed to get their Mum on the photos too!

So, that's the family portrait out of the way (obviously, I'm not in it, but someone has to take the photo - besides, I'm not in the least little bit photogenic!)

There are a few more over on our Facebook Page

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